Alison is constantly updating her qualifications and undergoes continuous professional development each year. It has to be said that this is done out of love of the subject but she likes to share as much as possible with her students.
The Yoga Fellowship of Northern Ireland
Certificate of Anatomy and Physiology
with Dr Ruth Gilmore
Cells, tissues, organs and body systems; Integuementary System; Skeletal System; Joints, Muscel Tissues and Muscle; Respiratory System;Heart and Circulation;Nervous System : Stress, Panic Attacks, Stroke, MS; Endocrine System: Thyroid Problems, Diabetes; Urinary and Reproductive Systems including General Yoga Class and Pregnancy; Digestive System; Blood and Lymphatic System.
Year: 2007
The Ananda Yoga Circle
Param Para Course of Study in Satyananda Tradition
with Helan MacBroom, (Parasmani),
BWY, IYF, All India Council of Yoga
All aspects of Classical Yoga including Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Nada Yoga, Swara Yoga, Tantric Yoga
10 year course of study Hours: 1000+
New Skills Academy
Mindfullness Diploma
History and Background; MeditationPractices,Therapies and Benefits; Mindfullness-Based Interventions - Applications and Benefits; Mindfull Parenting; Mindfullness Meditation Practices; Experiences of Mindfullness, Mindfullness in Daily Life, Mindfull Leadership
Year Graduation: 2017